Monday, April 15, 2019 Branch Meeting

9:30 – 10:30 PUBLIC POLICY 
Challenges and Opportunities for Women in Politics
Speakers: Kathryn Pearson, Associate Professor of Political
Science, University of Minnesota
In 2018, a record number of women ran for office
and won election to the United States Congress. Pearson
will answer questions and provide insight into gender
dynamics on the campaign trail and in Congress. Why are
women underrepresented at every level of office? What
barriers and opportunities do women face? What accounts
for the partisan gap in women’s representation? In what
ways do women govern and lead differently from men?
How does electing women make a difference?

10:45 – 11:45 THE ARTS 
Fine Arts at the Arboretum
Speaker: Wendy DePaolis, Curator of Art and Sculpture,
Fine Arts Education Programmer, Minnesota
Landscape Arboretum
DePaolis holds the only position of its kind in the United
States. She will tell us how this job was created, how she
got it, and how she plans to use it to make art accessible to
all people.

12:00 – 1:15 LUNCHEON

1:15 – 2:15 SPECIAL PROGRAM 
Nooks and Crannies of the Gale
Presenters: Rebecca Kruse
Nell Wegmann, AAUW members
Most Mondays we gather in the Gale Mansion and enjoy
inspiring speakers, great company, and a delicious lunch.
This is our “third space,” a place we can go to unwind,
discuss topics that matter to us, and develop new
friendships. The Gale Mansion was built as a family home
and has become a second home for AAUW. We will take
you on a virtual tour behind the lovely walls, down hidden
staircases, and into the secrets held by this beautiful
building. Come and join us on this unique journey into our
own special space.