


We are grateful for the many AAUW members who support our organization. These gifts of time and money strengthen our branch, our programs and activities, and allow us to invest in our mission of equity for women and girls. Because we are a 501(c)(3) organization, all giving described in this brochure may be tax deductible.  Your contributions will benefit both you and the branch.


Sustaining membership is monthly giving that continues until the member decides otherwise. This type of giving provides continuity in AAUW’s ability to successfully execute its mission, programs, and activities by ensuring funding and stabilizing cashflow. Please check with office staff or the Development Vice President to learn more about becoming a sustaining member. This may lower your taxes!


Planned Giving is one way for you to help ensure that our branch continues now and after you are gone. Some of the many ways to do that include remembering AAUW through wills, trusts, donor advised funds (DAFs), required minimum distributions from IRAs (RMDs), qualified charitable giving (QCDs), or designating AAUW as a beneficiary of an IRA, 401K, or an insurance policy. For those that can, please consider designating AAUW Minneapolis Branch in your will or other planned giving.  Consult your attorney or financial planner for additional information on these simple mechanisms for giving. This too may lower your taxes!


We are especially proud of our scholarship program, which annually provides scholarships and mentoring to young women graduates of Minneapolis public high schools.  Each scholar receives $4000 a year, for a total of $16,000 per student over four years.  Currently, we support 16 scholars.

These scholarships are a vital part of our local community outreach and foster the AAUW mission of equity through education.  You can help to ensure continuation of this program by directing your gift to current year scholarships only, or to Scholarship Endowment, a permanent fund that provides ongoing income to guarantee AAUW Minneapolis scholarships are awarded in perpetuity.

All donations to the Branch, Scholarships, and Memorials are greatly appreciated

Please make your check payable to AAUW and indicate the fund on the memo line of your check (Branch, Scholarships, Memorial). Mail to AAUW, Minneapolis Branch, 2115 Stevens Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55404.

You will receive a receipt for your donation to use for tax purposes

AAUW is a top-rated 501(c)(3) charity. Donations are tax deductible. Tax I.D. #41-0414590



AAUW Minneapolis Branch

Phone: 612-870-1661

Email: office


AAUW Tax I.D. #41-0414590

Scholarship Tax ID # 41-1963383

2115 Stevens Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55404