9:30 – 10:30 WOMEN SPEAK
Demystifying Islam and Building Bridges
Speaker: Hanadi Chehabeddine, Journalist, Keynote
Speaker, Diversity Trainer
Our perception of Muslims has been largely shaped by the
media’s portrayal of them. Chehabeddine, who grew up in
Lebanon and now lives in Minnesota, is a peacemaker and
community builder through her public presentations. She
will share her own story, address misconceptions about
Islam and Muslims, and answer questions people often ask:
Why don’t Muslims denounce terrorism? Are women
oppressed in Islam? What is Sharia Law?
10:45 – 11:45 EDUCATION
Education and Title IX—Nondiscrimination
Speaker: Donald Chance Mark, Jr., Attorney, Fafinski
Mark & Johnston, P.A.
Title IX was passed in 1972. Why are there two pending
lawsuits at St. Cloud State University and a $3.74 million
settlement for University of Minnesota Duluth’s former
women’s hockey coach? Mark is an attorney handling these
cases, which receive funding from the AAUW Legal
Advocacy Fund. He will discuss the process and the
difficulties in Title IX enforcement.
11:45 – 12:15 BUSINESS MEETING
12:15 – 1:15 LUNCHEON
1:15 – 2:15 ENVIRONMENT
Pollinator Friendly Gardening and
the Importance of Bees
Speaker: Gary Reuter, Scientist, University of Minnesota
Bee Lab
More than one-third of the world’s crop species and
numerous fruits and vegetables depend on bee pollination.
In North America alone, it is an ecological service valued at
$20 billion a year. The disruption of natural habitats
leading to lack of “bee flowers,” the widespread overuse of
pesticides, plus numerous bee diseases and parasites have
pushed honey bees to the tipping point. Our native bees are
also in decline. Hopeless? Through Gary’s humorous style
of teaching, learn what we as individuals can do to help.