Branch Meeting, Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Opening Evening,
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Founders Room
Last Bus to Wisdom by Ivan Doig
Discussion Leader: Jan Paulsen
In 1951, Donal Cameron, raised by his grandmother in the
Montana Rockies, is sent to faraway Wisconsin due to
Gram’s surgery. Tyrannical Aunt Kate decides to ship him
back by Greyhound. Henpecked husband, Herman the
German, decides to go too. The pair set out for the
territory—meeting a classic Doigan ensemble of characters.
Rollicking misadventures await!
7:15 LITERARY PURSUITS Presidents’ Hall
Behind the Scenes with Bonnie Blodgett
Speaker: Bonnie Blodgett, Author, Political Essayist, and
Gardening Columnist
Blodgett’s career in journalism began in magazines. She
launched her own publication, The Garden Letter, in 1991.
It survived for 17 years. Meanwhile she wrote four books
and raised two children. She now lives with her dog in the
house her great-grandfather built. Blodgett’s political
essays appear frequently in the Star Tribune and her
column The Blundering Gardener is published weekly in
the St. Paul Pioneer Press.