Spring Getaway

Spring Getaway

Maiden Rock, Pepin, and Stockholm, Wisconsin Scenic Great River Road
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Bus leaves at 8:15 a.m. and returns at 5:00 p.m.
Cost: $65.00

Visit the Cultural Cloth. This is a shop that imports items
from women artisans in over 25 countries,
in turn helping them to be successful in the market place.
This also helps their families and communities.

Lunch and wine tasting at the Villa Bellezza, a
Mediterranean-style winery outside Pepin, featuring
Italian-style, oven-baked pizzas, Bellezza salad, and fresh
vegetable crudites for lunch with Tiramisu for dessert.

Explore the Scandinavian town of Stockholm with a
walking tour on your own to visit the galleries, museums,
bakeries, coffee shops, furniture, and household goods
stores in this quaint, Nordic market.

Registration is April 1 and April 8 at the Gale. After April 8, mail to:
Joanne Ortendahl-Lucas 4532 Columbus Ave S Minneapolis MN, 55407

Make checks payable to AAUW Minneapolis Spring Getaway.
AAUW Minneapolis Branch trip cancellation policy:
One-day event reservations are non-refundable.
They are transferable to any AAUW member/or friend.