Spring Getaway
The Twin Cities, Finance, and Science
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Bus leaves 8:30 a.m. and returns at 4:00 p.m.
Cost: $65.00
Learn about the nation’s central bank and financial system.
Observe how United States currency makes its way to your local bank.
Find out what it means when the media says the Fed is setting interest rates.
Accompany a Federal Reserve employee for a walking tour of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis.
This site involves a considerable amount of walking and standing.
We will enjoy lunch at a unique Minneapolis venue.
See a planetarium show, have a guided tour of the world-renowned wildlife dioramas, and have time to view the changing exhibits at this beautiful new museum.
This site involves a considerable amount of walking and standing.
Registration is April 1 and April 8 at the Gale. After April 8 mail to: Joanne Ortendahl-Lucas 4532 Columbus Ave S Minneapolis, MN 55407 Make checks payable to
AAUW Minneapolis Spring Getaway.
AAUW Minneapolis Branch trip cancellation policy: One day event reservations
are non-refundable.*
* PLEASE NOTE FOR THIS TRIP: Due to security, the Federal Reserve Bank requires a list of tour participants 10 days prior to the trip. No substitutions are permitted after that list is submitted