Officers of the Branch 2024-25
- President- Becky Farber
- Membership Vice Presidents- Rae Cornelius and Victor Barela
- Program Vice President- Jan Mosman
- Marketing Vice President- Judy Romlin
- Development Vice President- Nell Wegmann
- Treasurer- Laura King
- Secretary for Recording- Ann Roach
- Director at Large- Ann Vanvick
Committees of the Branch
- AAUW Funds
- Archives
- Arrangements
- Audit
- Bulletin Editors
- Bylaws and Standing Rules
- Closing/Recognition Day and Opening Day
- Community Outreach and Liaisons
- Development
- Emergency Medical
- Facilities
- Fifty Year Recognition
- Finance
- Focus Days
- Fourth Mondays Interest Groups. [ Great Decisions, Handwork/Beading, Hot Topics, Literature (fiction), Literature (non-fiction)]
- Gala
- Historian
- Holiday Lights
- Investment Advisory
- Library
- Long Range Planning
- Mailing Team
- Marketing
- Meeting Scheduler
- Membership
- Nominating
- Out and About with AAUW
- Parliamentarian
- President’s Table
- Program Committee
- Program Topics [The Arts, Education, Empowering Women,Environment, Equity Justice Inclusion, Health, Literary Pursuits, Public Policy, Science and Technology]
- Scholarship Fund Board of AAUW
- Technology and Website