
Getting out the membership renewal letters is an easy and enjoyable task when doing it with friends from AAUW.



Membership is open to those who have an associates degree or equivalent, such as a nursing degree, baccalaureate degree, or a higher degree from a qualified institution.

Local and National Membership

Membership in the Minneapolis, Minnesota branch includes membership in the national association, headquartered in Washington, D.C., and in the state organization. The national association sets priorities and public policy direction for the organization. The State board provides leadership and communication, linking all the branches within the state. An annual state convention is held in Minnesota each year in the spring. A National Convention is held in Washington D.C. in June of odd-numbered years.



Types of Membership and Dues


AAUW Minneapolis Branch Membership: $295.00

Pro-Rated New Member Program:

  • September:  $257.00
  • October:       $257.00
  • November:   $257.00
  • December:    $257.00
  • January:         $150.00
  • February:       $120.00
  • March:            $257.00 for 16 months
  • April:               $257.00 for 15 months
  • May:                $257.00 for 14 months
  • June:                $257.00 for 13 months

Members that join in January and February have the option of paying new member dues rate the following year. This is a one-time opportunity for a new member. National AAUW confirmed that the discount for new members on national dues will continue.  Members that join in March – June pay new member dues rate once for the spring and following year term.

New Graduate Branch Membership (available to those who have graduated in the past two years): $75.00 (one time only)

Student Affiliate Branch Membership (available to under-graduates): $50.00

Please click here to download our application form.