The American Association of University Women founded in 1881, is open to all graduates who hold the associate or higher degree from an accredited college or university. In 1889, a group of Minnesota women college graduates banded together in the first local branch of what was then called the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, later renamed the American Association of University Women.
The Minneapolis Branch of AAUW with 300 members meets in the historic Gale Mansion. All of our activities take place here as we strive to fulfill the AAUW mission of advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research.
Through our annual local college scholarships, civic contributions, volunteer activities, and alliances with other area groups, we seek to support and benefit our community. All our goals are furthered by presentation of topical, in-depth, weekly day-time programs, and twice-monthly evening programs.
We join forces with 170,000 AAUW members nationwide to support AAUW funds.
Donations may be made for one of the following focuses:
- Protection (Legal Advocacy Fund or LAF) provides funding and a support system for women seeking judicial redress for sex discrimination in the workplace.
- Educational Opportunities Fund (formerly Education Foundation or EF) is the largest source of funding in the world exclusively for graduate women.
- Advocacy (Public Policy Fund) promotes the basic understanding that true equity requires a balance between the rights of the individual and the needs of the community.
- Research (Eleanor Roosevelt Fund) supports groundbreaking research that has changed the way scholars, policy-makers, and the general public think about female educational needs and experiences.
- Leadership (Leadership Programs Fund) promotes the development of young leaders, e.g., National Conference for College Women Student Leaders.