Evening Program 2/11/2014

5:00 p.m.

Business Meeting
5:15 p.m.
Presidents’ Hall

6:00 p.m.

Virginia Mae Hope: World War II Service Pilot Comes Alive!!
7:00 p.m.
Presidents’ Hall

Presenter: Melissa Freedman, Actor from the History Players for Adults at the Minnesota History Center, portrays Virginia Mae Hope.

Melissa Freedman, in her portrayal of Virginia Mae Hope, a native of Winnebago, Minnesota, will put a human face on World War II. She will speak on childhood during the Great Depression, the changing roles of women during WW II, and what life was like as a Woman Air Service Pilot. Hope was one of 1,072 women to receive the WASP “silver wings.” She and other female pilots faced blatant discrimination because of their gender, but she was known to say, “Isn’t it just wonderful,” about her WASP career. -Pris Sixel