Branch Program 2/12/2013

5:00: Literature
Heritage Alcove

Book Discussion: The Paris Wife by Paula McLain
Discussion Leader:  Ruth Aaskov

This historical novel is about a formative, ambitious Ernest Hemingway and his first wife, Hadley, a quiet 28-year-old. Their ways of experiencing and coping with their love and their fast life are revealed from the perspective of Hadley, who struggles with her perceived role of new wife and supporter of her budding author husband and the need to be her own woman.  The flavor of the times and the unraveling of love and loyalty capture the reader.

Heritage Alcove

Business Meeting



Heritage Alcove

Your Heart Does More Than Love
Speaker: Dr. Jon Hallberg, Physician in Family Medicine, University of Minnesota

In the month of February, when the heart is featured so prominently in print and in prose as a symbol of love, Dr. Hallberg will give us some fresh insights on how this vital organ works and whether it really is the seat of passion and emotion in humans.  Dr. Hallberg is a regular medical analyst on Minnesota Public Radio’s All Things Considered and the medical director of the award-winning and innovative University of Minnesota Physicians’ Mill City Clinic.