Tuesday, November 12, 2019
5:00 Social Time
Closing Program for 2019 Evening Meetings
As the days have cooled and the sun sets earlier, we come to the last evening AAUW program for 2019. All members and guests are invited to join in a social hour celebrating the past eight months of evening programming. Our gourmet dinner will be followed by an enriching program discussing education.
6:00 Dinner
7:15 Education
Deliberate Equity: What Does it Look Like?
Speaker: Jessica Davis, 2019 Minnesota Teacher of the Year
How did being a mathematics teacher and advisor to the Mathematics Team and the Black Pride organization influence our speaker’s educational philosophy? Davis will explain her belief in student agency and how student voice is an essential cornerstone often missing in the revolution of our educational system. She will describe how she has tried to be an educator
who is “modeling for students that equity needs to be intentional.”