Monday, September 16, 2019
5G and Smart Meters
Speaker: Leo Cashman, Safe Technology Minnesota,
Cell phones, smart meters, and Wi-Fi have revolutionized
our lives and transformed how we live and communicate.
The next generation, 5G, with its promise of faster and
better, is already operational in parts of downtown
Minneapolis. Despite the rush, no studies have
demonstrated its safety, and some experts are calling for a
halt. Cashman will present the science behind these
technologies and tell us what we can do to protect our
health and our children’s future.
10:45 – 11:45 PUBLIC POLICY
Addressing the Endemic Tragedy of Missing and
Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls in Minnesota
Speaker: Representative Mary Kunesh-Podein,
Assistant Majority Leader, Minnesota House of
Representatives (41B); Library Media Specialist,
Robbinsdale Middle School
Murder is the third leading cause of death for American
Indian women. There is no system to track data on this
crisis of missing or murdered indigenous women. Tuktéd
iyáyapi he—Where did they all go? Kunesh-Podein
authored and passed legislation creating a task force to study this endemic crisis. She will present history, acknowledgment, and a plan to recognize the historic
trauma of Dakota and Ojibwe women.
11:45 – 12:00 ANNOUNCEMENTS
12:00 – 1:15 LUNCHEON
Lead Hostesses: Georgia Wiebe
Guest Hostess: Judy Geppert
Headlines Fellowships Room
House Management Committee Association Room
Marketing Committee Minneapolis Room
Nominating Committee Porch
Scholarship Committee (2:15) Minneapolis Room
Tackling Minnesota’s Geographic, Economic, and Racial Disparities
Speaker: Jane Leonard, Growth & Justice, President
Growth & Justice is a nonpartisan research organization
with a mission to develop and advocate for public
policies that make Minnesota’s economy more prosperous
and fair for all Minnesotans. Their research has identified
rural challenges and encouraged business growth and
government initiatives. Partnering with, they
are broadening their focus—offering new guidelines for
business leaders and policymakers.