Branch Meeting February 11, 2019

Monday, February 11, 2019

9:30 – 10:30     EDUCATION

Education Today: Key Issues Facing Our Schools and Communities

Speaker: Crystal Brakke, VP, Ombuds at Teach for America Minneapolis-St.Paul Area, and
School Board Member for Richfield Public Schools

Minnesota is often cited as a leader in K-12 education, yet at the same time we have some of the nation”s worst disparities when disaggregated by race Why is that? What is happening to improve our education system to better meet 21st century needs for our students, staff, and communities? What else do we need to be doing? Brakke will speak from her perspective as a school board member and a career spent working towards educational equity in
Minnesota and beyond.

10:45 – 11:45     WOMEN SPEAK

Why Did She Run? Women’s Entry into Minnesota City Government

Speaker:  Kathleen O’Brien, Former Minneapolis City Coordinator; Chief of Staff to UMN President Nils Hasselmo; former Minneapolis City Council Member, Majority Leader, Ways and Means; Research Historian and Curriculum Writer at the Women’s Organization of the Minnesota Historical Society

O’Brien used her academic training and experience as a historian to interview more than 60 women who have served in 36 cities across the political spectrum and throughout Minnesota as mayor and/or city council members between 1978 and 2000.   These oral history interviews capture the contributions of women in our state’s local government and ensure they are preserved and included in our state’s history.

11:45 – 12:15    BUSINESS MEETING

12:15 – 1:15     Luncheon


You and the Future of Good

Speaker: Trista Harris, Philanthropic Futurist, FutureGood, President

An increasing rate of change makes the already challenging work of doing good even more difficult. What if we could predict the future and positively impact the lives of our children, grandchildren and communities? Join Harris as she takes us on an interactive journey where she will uncover tools to create the future.