Branch Program – December 3, 2018

Monday, December 3, 2018

9:30-10:30  ENVIRONMENT  Presidents’ Hall

Scientific Integrity in the Ballance: What is at Stake for the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)?
Speaker: Deborah Swackhamer, Professor Emerita, University of Minnesota

Under the Trump administration there have been a number of changes at the EPA in both environmental policies and how science is being used and misused to make those policies. As former chair of the Science Advisory Board and former chair of the Board of Scientific Counselors for EPA, Swackhamer will share her personal experiences and discuss the implications of these changes.

10:45-11:45  EQUITY, EQUALITY, AND JUSTICE   Presidents’ Hall

Juvenile Justice in Minnesota
Speaker: Sarah Davis, Esq., Associate Director, Legal Rights Center

Learn about Minnesota’s juvenile justice system, including a general overview of the court process for children, the lifelong “collateral consequences: of juvenile court records, and racial disparities in our system. Davis will also discuss alternatives and reform efforts, including restorative justice and policy advocacy efforts.

12:00-1:15     LUNCHEON

1:15-2:15   AAUW ISSUES AND CONCERNS   Presidents’ Hall

Beyond Aspirations: Advancing Gender Equity Locally, Regionally, and Nationally
Speaker: Kimberly Churches, Chief Executive Officer, AAUW

Take this opportunity to hear the CEO of American Association of Women, Kim Churches. She will focus on the strategic plan that was just approved by the National Board of Directors. Also, she will address what can be done at the branch and state level to advance equity.