Branch Program-Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018 Focus Day

9:30 – 10:30 Presidents’ Hall


“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free . . .”-Emma Lazarus

Speaker: Marina B. Aleixo, PhD, Program Director, International Initiatives and Relations,

Tracing the History of United States Immigration Policy

Affiliate Faculty, Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development, College of Education and Human Development, University of Minnesota

From travel bans to family separations at the border, United States immigration policy issues have now taken center stage in our national discourse. What is less visible is the historical context of these policies. Aleixo will present a brief overview of the immigration

policy within the United States, providing us with a deeper understanding of current issues which will equip us for meaningful discussion leading to effective change.

10:45 – 11:45 Presidents’ Hall

Speaker: Michelle Rivero, Director, Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs, City of Minneapolis

Immigration Advocacy: Information and Action

The federal government is effectively curtailing migration to the United States–most visibly at the southern border but also in other ways that are not immediately visible to the typical American. This presentation will provide an overview of the arenas where the United States government is reducing immigration; the effect on our community, immigrants, and refugees; what we can do to challenge these policies; and why we should do so. Rivero will discuss the creation of the Minneapolis Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs and its missions, promoting the idea that Minneapolis is a welcoming city that recognizes the contributions that immigrants make.  


Noon-1:15 LUNCHEON

1:15-2:15  President’s Hall

One Nation, Indivisible:
Pursuing the American Dream and Immigration

Speaker: MayKao Y. Hang, DPA (Doctorate in Public Administration), President and CEO,

Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, St. Paul, Former Chair of Federal Reserve Board

Dr. Hang will speak about the promise of a nation founded on democratic ideals and how Minnesota in partnership with the Wilder Foundation has welcomed refugees and immigrants. Help is given new Americans in adjusting to life in the United States. Based on recent data about immigration, she will address community issues and bridging across differences. Hang will weave in her own story and that of the Hmong community, illustrating challenges and opportunities for a more inclusive, strong, and economically vibrant Minnesota.