Monday, March 2, 2020
9:30 – 10:30 Presidents’ Hall
Lessons Learned from Ferguson
Speaker: Mark Kappelhoff, Hennepin County Judge,
Fourth District
Kappelhoff investigated the police department in Ferguson,
Missouri, following the protests that occurred there in
2014. As part of a task force of the United States
Department of Justice, he discovered how the city leaders
had abused the criminal justice system. What lessons were
learned about the current state of our own criminal justice
system, and how can we hold our leaders accountable?
10:45 – 11:45 HEALTH Presidents’ Hall
Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, 2019
Speaker: Brenda Ogle, PhD, Professor and Head,
Department of Biomedical Engineering;
Professor, Department of Pediatrics; Director,
Stem Cell Institute, University of Minnesota
Ogle wears many hats in her work at the University of
Minnesota. She is a rigorous researcher who is able to
obtain funding from sources like the National Institutes of
Health, National Science Foundation, Department of
Defense, American Heart Association, and the Coulter
Foundation. Her talk will include descriptions of different
types of stem cells and an overview of what we understand
of the basic biology of stem cells. She will discuss how
stem cells have been or could be used for clinical therapy.
12:00 – 1:15 LUNCHEON
Lead Hostesses: Marilyn Kemme and Anne Pantelich
Guest Hostess: Virginia Hansing
Development Committee Association Room
Public Policy Fellowships Room
1:15 – 2:15 WOMEN’S VOICES Presidents’ Hall
Building the Next Generation of Women Leaders
through Sports
Speaker: Sara Wegmann, Founder and Executive Director,
Her Next Play
Playing sports builds powerful leadership skills. Research
shows 94% of surveyed women executives participated in
sports. Yet, 48 years after Title IX, girls and women are
still fighting for equality in sports. Wegmann will discuss
the power of sports to build leaders. She will show how
Her Next Play is building a community to empower girls
and women to play boldly in sports and life.