Branch Program

Branch Program November 18, 2019

CAIR and Islamophobia

Speaker: Jaylani Hussein, Council on American-Islamic Relations Minnesota (CAIR-MN)
Executive Director
Hussein will acquaint us with the mission of CAIR-MN, the challenge of Islamophobia, and programs in Minnesota which focus on how we talk to and understand each other.
CAIR-MN provides training sessions for diversity in the business world and offers educational, financial and spiritual support. Hussein will share some ideas from a book he is writing on his special interest, healing communication.

Ancient Wisdom – Modern Science
Speaker:  John B. Miller, Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing
Senior Fellow
The tenets of modern science may mysteriously echo the findings of ancient wisdon with regard to the impermanence of worldly things. Such things as paradox, the beauty of language and “aha moments” arise from the creative fount of ancient wisdom and modern science.
Miller feels such understandings help us live life fully in our complex interconnected world.

12:45 – 12:00   Announcements
12:15 – 1:15    Luncheon

1:15 – 2:15     The Arts
Quilting for the Cause

Speaker: Laura Nagel, High school Librarian, Quilt Historian, Quilter
In celebration of Women’s History Month and the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment
for women’s suffrage, Nagel presents “Quilting for the Cause.” Throughout the 19th century, women plied their needles to express their political opinions, raise funds, and bring about social change. Using her collection of antique quilts and quilt tops, our speaker will share the  “herstories” of women’s impact on the American scene.