Branch Meeting Monday, May 6, 2019

Closing Day Program:
Awards, Recognition, and Annual Meeting

8:45 – 9:45     Coffee, tea, and treats                            Dining Room

On the lower level, enjoy viewing art, crafts, and handiwork created by our members.

9:45 -10:45         SPECIAL PROGRAM             Presidents’ Hall

St. Paul – Changsha China Friendship Garden of
Whispering Willows and Flowing Waters

Speaker: Linda Mealey-Lohmann, Minnesota China
Friendship Garden Society, President and Co-Founder, Mediator and Arbitrator, Mealey-Lohmann Mediation and Dispute Resolution.

Mealey-Lohmann will tell us about the beautiful new St. Paul-Changsha China Friendship Garden of Whispering Willows and Flowing Waters. The gorgeous Xiang Jiang Pavilion is a replica of one of the four most famous pavilions in China, and the Hmong Wall recognizes the historical and cultural connection between the Hmong in Minnesota and their ancestral homeland in this area of China, where over two million Hmong live. The sister-city project is an important cultural bridge to China and shows the world that Minnesota welcomes international investors and visitors to our global metropolis.  In addition, Mealey-Lohmann will speak briefly about her work as a mediator with various cultural groups.

             11:00 – 12:00                                                                                                Presidents’ Hall
Annual Meeting with Awards and Recognition

Review the past year, thank outgoing leaders for their work, and welcome new leaders.

12:00                               Luncheon

Join us for the last delightful AAUW luncheon of the 2018-19 program year.
Annual reservations will apply.
Wine will be available for purchase.

1:15 – 2:15                 SPECIAL PROGRAM                  Presidents’ Hall

Books to Enrich Your Summer

Speaker: Sue Zumberge, Owner of SubText Books

Beach reading? Serious reading? Books to enjoy and enrich your summer days? Zumberge has a wealth of reading suggestions for all interests. SubText Books, an independent bookstore, is located in downtown St. Paul. Books will be available for purchase throughout the day.