Monday, March 4, 2019
9:30 – 10:30 EQUITY, EQUALITY, JUSTICE President’s Hall
Consumer Fraud
Speaker: Stacie Bosley, Economist and Professor, Hamline University
Bosley has expertise in the dynamics of pyramid schemes in the United States and around the world. While there is no stereotypical fraud victim, social and economic factors influence a person to participate in these schemes, whether llegal or illegal. What are the way that consumers can be protected? Learn how you may be susceptible.
10:45 – 11:45 HEALTH Presidents’ Hall
Brain Injury Basics: Life After Injury
Speaker: Angela Bowles Edwards, Education and Community Outreach Specialist, Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance, Minnesota Stroke Association
The experience of brain injury has wide-reaching, often under-recognized implications for daily life. In this session, we will learn how cognitive, emotional, and physical brain functions can change after injury and hear about the supports and services available to individuals living with and recovering from brain injuries.
Noon – 1:15 LUNCHEON
1:15 – 2:15 WOMEN SPEAK Presidents’ Hall
Empowering Human Traffic Survivors
Speaker: Terry Forliti, Executive Director of Breaking Free
The mission of Breaking Free is to end all forms of prostitution and sex trafficking. AAUW Minneapolis is pleased to host Forliti, who will educate and empower our members to help survivors of sex trafficking in overcoming sexual exploitation.