Monday, January 14, 2019
9:30 – 10:30 WOMEN SPEAK
Garden Goodies Go to the Game
Speaker: Susan Moores, Roots for the Home Team®,
Founder and Executive Director
At weekend Twins games these past summers, you may
have seen–and tasted–Garden Goodies, unique salads
created by inner-city youth. The crisp, colorful salads are
made from just-picked vegetables from their community
gardens. It’s all part of Roots for the Home Team®, the
brainchild of dietitian Susan Moores. A baseball-lover,
Moores designed the nonprofit to showcase kids’
gardening, salad-tossing, and sales skills.
10:45 – 11:45 THE ARTS
1811 on the Mississippi River:
a Roosevelt, a Steamboat, a Comet, and an Earthquake
Presenters: Steve Marking, Baritone, Filmmaker, Photographer
JoAnn Funk, Jazz Pianist, Singer
Both are riverlorians (river historians) for
American Cruise Lines
This dramatization is a true story of the intrepid 19-yearold
Lydia (Funk) and her 41-year-old husband, Nicholas
Roosevelt, as they build and sail the first steamboat down
the Mississippi River in 1811. This incredible journey will
take them through many life-threatening adventures,
including the greatest earthquakes known to man, the New
Madrid earthquakes. A blustery viewpoint of the story is provided by Dynamic Dick (Marking), a keelboatman.
Marking and Funk’s CDs and DVDs will be available for purchase.
11:45 – 12:15 BUSINESS MEETING
12:15 – 1:15 LUNCHEON
1:15 – 2:15 PUBLIC POLICY
The Twin Cities Housing Challenge:
Should Housing be a Human Right?
Speaker: Gail Dorfman, Retiring Executive Director,
St. Stephen’s Human Services and Metropolitan Council Member
From her current dual perspectives and experience as a
member of the Hennepin County Board, Dorfman will talk
about why we face a housing crisis in the midst of a
booming regional economy. She will discuss the impact of
homelessness on individuals and families and what needs
to happen to ensure that all Twin Cities residents have a
place to call home.