Branch meeting -1/7/19

Monday, January 7, 2019
New Voices for our Time
Speaker: Fiona McCrae, Director and Publisher, Graywolf Press

How have books published by Graywolf Press, an independent publisher of literary poetry, fiction, and nonfiction, managed to win so many national and
international awards in recent years? They include two
Pulitzer Prizes, a National Book Award, and several
National Book Critics Circle Awards. McCrae will talk
about finding and nurturing new literary voices and
building a readership in a crowded and ever-evolving

10:45 – 11:45 SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY
You’re Getting Old. Prepare for it!
Speaker: Trish Herbert, Licensed Psychologist

Herbert received her PhD in her mid-fifties with a
specialization in gerontology. She continues to be
fascinated with people’s stories, the many twists and turns
that life brings, and how well we manage to muddle
through our respective journeys. As a psychologist, she worked with older adults and their families, facilitated caregiver, grief, and support groups, and authored three
books on aging. Herbert is now semi-retired and does
some volunteering, teaching, and counseling. She was
motivated to write Journeywell: A Guide to Quality Aging 
because she became convinced that if we give careful
thought to who we are and what gives us pleasure, we can
learn about our options and deal better with the difficult
times. We can do valuable planning, instead of drifting
along, and our lives will be richer.

12:00 – 1:15 LUNCHEON

Civil Forfeiture
Speaker: Brad Colbert, Attorney, College Professor

Civil forfeiture laws allow the government to take cash,
cars, homes, and other property associated with criminal
activity. A property owner doesn’t have to be charged with,
let alone convicted of, a crime to permanently lose their
property. Does civil forfeiture create incentives for law
enforcement to seize property to supplement their
departments’ budgets? Or, is it a way for law enforcement
to take away the instruments and spoils of crime and funnel
them back into the community?