Evening Program 11/11/2014

Book Discussion: My Beloved World by Sonia Sotomayor
5:00 p.m.
Presidents’ Hall

Discussion Leader: Lonni Skrentner
One would expect the autobiography of a sitting justice to be legalistic and dry. This book is compelling and open about a childhood that includes living in the projects with an alcoholic father. It is about girl with big dreams that become her focus. She is now living the American Dream. She is careful. Every time you think you might learn something about her judicial philosophy, she tells the reader outright that she is leaving it out!

6:00 p.m.

Transforming Lives Through Movement
7:00 p.m.
Presidents’ Hall

Speaker: Gretchen Pick, Artistic Director of Young Dance

Since 1987, the Young Dance Company encourages youth in our community to build body and spirit through the creative art of dance. The dance company and school collaborate with professional artists, establish meaningful community partnerships, and push the boundaries of the art and practice of dance. Pick will tell about creative possibilities between dancers with and without disabilities and will demonstrate how to create different solutions to
movement tasks.