Branch Program 2/11/2013

9:30 – 10:30: Public Policy, Social/Cultural Change
Presidents’ Hall

Videos:  Human Labor and Sex Trafficking

These videos are shown as part of a collaboration between the committees for Public Policy and Social/Cultural Change. The videos illustrate the problem of trafficking and show attempts to assist the victims of human slavery and sex trafficking in the United States and abroad.

10:45 – 11:45: Public Policy, Social/Cultural Change
Presidents’ Hall

Sex Trafficking:  Prevention is an Option
Speaker:  Cordelia Anderson, President, Sensibilities Prevention Services

While others focus their efforts on responding to the harm of sex trafficking and the needs of victims, this presentation addresses the environment and social norms that make the continuation of sexual exploitation/trafficking likely while outlining strategies for ending it.  Learn what you and others can do to counter demand and to demand change.

12:15 – 1:15

Holiday Lights: Former Nursery
Program Committee: Association Room

1:15 – 2:15: Women Rock
Presidents’ Hall

Labyrinths: Pathways to Peace
Speaker:  Lisa Gidlow Moriarty, Spiritual Director, Artist, Designer, Master Labyrinth Maker, Past President, International Labyrinth Society

How is it that walking a labyrinth can bring peace of mind?  Lisa Moriarty answers:  “Labyrinth walking can provide a sense of calm that is conducive to meditation and self-exploration. Thousands of years old, these patterns speak to us today. Our culture is so steeped in rapid stimulation, information, and technology that we yearn for places of quiet introspection and release. Labyrinths provide that well of solace where we can go to drink deeply.” Moriarty will present a brief history of labyrinths and discuss contemporary uses and applications.