Monday, April 16, 2012
9:30 – 10:30 – EDUCATION – Presidents’ Hall
Impact of Homelessness on Children and Youth
Speaker: Elizabeth Hinz, District Liaison for Homeless and Highly Mobile Students
in the Minneapolis Public Schools
The extent of homelessness in our community is not fully recognized, and children are hidden casualties. Public school districts are required by federal law to identify homeless children and youth, and demographic data clearly describes a serious picture. The importance of education for them cannot be overemphasized. Learn what our community can do to work toward a better future for these children.
Mary Indelicato
10:45 – 11:45 – SOCIAL CULTURAL CHANGE – Presidents’ Hall
A Letter to America by David Boren
Speakers: Panel of AAUW Members
A Letter to America, authored by David Boren, former governor, senator, and current President of the University of Oklahoma, is a clarion call to all Americans to become more educated, alert, civic-minded, and participatory citizens so that the United States may be one of the respected leaders in a world of contending superpowers. Today, a panel of AAUW members will identify and discuss Dr. Boren’s suggested reforms of serious domestic and foreign problems.
Jeanne Bearmon
11:45 – Noon – ANNOUNCEMENTS
12:00 – 1:15 – LUNCHEON
Luncheon Hostess: Georgia Wiebe
Guest Hostess: Aleda Muller
House Management Association Room
Headlines Fellowships Room
Technology Minneapolis Room
1:15 – 2:15 – SPECIAL WRITERS’ PROGRAM – Presidents’ Hall
Writers’ Program Originals
Presenters: Members of the Writers’ Group
On the fourth Monday of each month, a group of AAUW members enjoy meeting together to read and discuss their work. Today, participants will share their essays, stories, and poems in this annual presentation. Some presenters are published authors, some are poets, while others write for family records and history. Please join us for this entertaining hour.
Susan Peterson
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