Tuesday, April 10, 2012
International Evening – Japan
5:00 – SOCIAL
Please come early for a delightful evening which will focus on Japan and Japanese culture. Watch an origami demonstration where you will learn to make a frog and a crane. In addition, enjoy a bonsai display and a photo collection depicting the Japanese Peace Garden at Lake Harriet. There will be sushi and further surprises!
6:00 – DINNER
7:00 – PROGRAM – Presidents’ Hall
Japan’s History and Culture in the Context of Recent Events
Speaker: Ben Van Lierop, Executive Director of the Japan America Society of Minnesota
The Japan America Society of Minnesota serves as a “bridge” to building relationships between people of the United States and Japan. Ben Van Lierop grew up primarily in South Korea, but spent four years of his childhood in Japan. He returned to Japan to live and work for a total of 17 years. He will address topics including the recent Japanese earthquake and the transition of power that is taking place in North Korea.
Lonni Skrentner
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