Tuesday, March 27, 2012
4:30 – MOVIE DISCUSSION – Founders Room
Freedom Song
Leaders: Barbara Taft and Ann Vanvick
This is a story of the Civil Rights Movement seen through the eyes of teenage Owen Walker who grew up in bigotry-laden Mississippi in the 1960s. Owen regrets his father’s passive behavior against racism and joins the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee as it struggles to reeducate black citizens, gain basic human rights, and promote the right to vote.
5:00 – SOCIAL
5:15 – BUSINESS MEETING – Presidents’ Hall
6:00 – DINNER
7:00 -PROGRAM – Presidents’ Hall
Celebrate the Journey of Spirited Women
Speaker: Joy Kuby, Minnesota Author, College Instructor, Artist, Personal Story Preservationist, and
Owner of Joyful Images
Ms. Kuby will offer a visual presentation of some of the spirited women featured in her book, The Fortunate Four and Other Journeys of the Heart. Included will be stories of adventure, romance, and life-long friendships. One true story, special for AAUW members, is about the 1935 summer road trip of four young Hamline University students who later became members of the Minneapolis Branch of AAUW. Her stories will show the gifts that women bring to this world and how each generation of women is connected with those who have traveled before them.
Ann Vanvick
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