Monday, March 19, 2012
9:30 – 10:30 – EDUCATION – Presidents’ Hall
The Earlier the Better
Speaker: Barbara Yates, Executive Director, Resources for Child Caring
Barbara Yates will speak about early childhood in Minnesota and related legislative issues, innovations in early childhood programming, and Minnesota’s successful grant for the $45 million Race to the Top Early Learning program. Resources for Child Caring, an organization which just acquired Ready4K, will be combined and become “Think Small.” This organization provides training, coaching, and support to early childhood providers, operates a publishing company, and has an early childhood public library.
Barb Link
10:45 – 11:45 – SOCIAL CULTURAL CHANGE – Presidents’ Hall
The Reflective Life
Speaker: Valerie Tiberius, Professor, Philosophy Department, University of Minnesota
Professor Tiberius brings keen insight to the enduring questions of “How to live?” and “What can we do to live reflectively and wisely given our limitations?” Knowing when to stop reflecting and lose ourselves in experience is crucial to wisdom. This speaks to how–not what–we choose as the goods of life and furthers the process of achieving a state of well-being.
Jeanne Bearmon
11:45 – Noon – ANNOUNCEMENTS
12:00 – 1:15 – LUNCHEON
Luncheon Hostess: Georgia Wiebe
Guest Hostess: Aleda Muller
Headlines Fellowships Room
House Management Association Room
Technology Minneapolis Room
1:15 – 2:15 POLITICAL WORLD LANDSCAPE – Presidents’ Hall
Designing Resilient Communities
Speaker: Tom Fisher, Professor and Dean, College of Design, University of Minnesota
Dean Fisher will talk about how communities have changed dramatically in the last 50 years and how, in the process, they have become less resilient and less able to adapt to outside forces or external stresses. He will describe what we can learn from our ancestors about how to form more resilient communities that have the ability to thrive in a variety of conditions.
Mary Moriarty
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