Branch Program – 03/12/12

Monday, March 12, 2012

9:30 – 10:30 – WOMEN LEADERS – Presidents’ Hall

What it Takes to Lead the Minnesota Women’s Press

Speaker:  Kathy Magnuson, Co-Publisher of Minnesota Women’s Press

Did you ever wonder what it takes to run a women’s newspaper for 28 years in the Twin Cities?  Kathy Magnuson, co-publisher for the Minnesota Women’s Press, will share with us how she became interested in, started her career, and succeeded in creating and running a successful women’s newspaper.

Mindy Rechelbacher

10:45 – 11:45    APPLAUSE FOR THE ARTS – Presidents’ Hall

Women Pirates

Speaker:  Dawn Brodey, Actress, Writer, Historian

Dawn Brodey’s love affair with pirates began early, and the realities of piracy still captivate her.  Although violent, their lifestyle nevertheless created yearning in others for more excitement, unpredictability, and danger.  Bold women lusting for adventure, individuality, wealth, and freedom were, like men, drawn to the primitive but incomparable possibilities aboard a pirate ship.

Jeanne Bearmon

11:45 – 12:15 – BUSINESS MEETING
Election of Officers
Reading of new Bylaws and Standing Rules changes

12:15 – 1:15 – LUNCHEON

Luncheon Hostess:  Beth McCabe
Guest Hostess:  Karen Landro
New Members                   Association Room

1:15 – 2:15 – HEALTH – Presidents’ Hall

Aging in Place:  A Movement on the Forefront
Speakers:  Marcia Townley, Founder and Chairperson, Mill City Commons
Linnea Tweed, Executive Director, Mill City  Commons

As we age, many of us worry about “what next?” Do we want to age as our parents did with their children, in a retirement community, or a nursing home?  Mill City Commons, a nonprofit started by a group of neighbors, offers an example of how we can stay in our own community and thrive as we grow older.  Marcia Townley and Linnea Tweed will tell us how this program started and how it has impacted the lives of more than 150 members.

Marty Allen

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